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Brand awareness is a marketing term that describes how well your target audience knows and recognizes your brand. It indicates the level of familiarity consumers have with your brand and their ability to recall it when exposed to relevant product categories or brand-related cues....
Media planning is all about figuring out the best way to show your ads to the right people at the right time. By understanding why you're making your plan, you can make sure your ads reach as many people as possible...
Facebook Pixel is the easiest way to track events, but iOS and other browsers do not allow you to track data for privacy reasons. In this case, if we want to track data from a website, we must use the Facebook Conversion API or Server-side Tracking....
With the highest active users, Facebook offers marketing opportunities to promote businesses and services. There are some reasons why you should consider Facebook as your marketing platform. These are briefly described below: 1) Global Coverage: Facebook currently has 3 billion monthly active users which makes it stand out on the...
Generally, a Marketing Funnel is a customer's journey from the initial stages when someone learns about a business, to the purchasing stage. There are three types of marketing funnel, Top, Middle, and Bottom. These three funnels represent three different stages of a customer journey....
Well, when we update a theme every code of the theme is replaced and as a result, we lose GTM code from header.php for this reason, we need to add GTM code in Child Theme. But when we go to a child theme, we do not see a header.php file....