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What is a Marketing Funnel and how it works?

Generally, a Marketing Funnel is a customer’s journey from the initial stages when someone learns about a business, to the purchasing stage.
There are three types of marketing funnel, Top, Middle, and Bottom. These three funnels represent three different stages of a customer journey.

How to add GTM code in WordPress Child Theme

Well, when we update a theme every code of the theme is replaced and as a result, we lose GTM code from header.php for this reason, we need to add GTM code in Child Theme. But when we go to a child theme, we do not see a header.php file. Here we need to add the GTM code through functions.php.

What is Niche in Marketing?


Niche refers to the business of promoting or selling a product or service to a very targeted segment of the market. It focuses on a particular target market. Compared to the Mass Market, Niche is a highly specific segment of the market.